►NComponent | Namespace for all components |
Ccconnection_t | Strucure representing wether the client is connected to the the server or not |
►Ncomponent | Namespace for all components |
Ccasset_t | A structure representing all assets |
Ccassetid_t | A structure representing asset id from asset manager |
Cccallback_t | Structure representing a callback function |
Ccclick_t | Structure representing the click component to know if a entity is pressed and a call back to call when the entity is pressed |
Ccclient_network_id | A strucure representing the newtork id of the client |
Cccolor_t | A structure representing the color component |
Ccdamage_t | A structure representing the damage component that holds the damage of an entity |
Ccdammage_t | A structure representing the dammage component that holds the dammage of an entity |
Ccdirection_t | A structure representing the direction component that holds the direction of an entity |
Ccdisconnected_t | A structure to know if the client is disconnected or not |
Cchealth_t | A structure representing the health component that holds the healt of the entity |
Cchitbox_t | A structure representing the hitbox component that holds the hitbox of the entity |
Cckeyboard_t | Structure representing the keyboard component in charge of keyboard state |
Cclobbies_status_t | A structure representing the status of every lobby component that holds the status of every lobby |
Cclobbies_to_entities_t | A structure representing the Entities contained in lobbies |
Cclobby_id_t | A structure representing the lobby id where the entity is |
Ccmap_t | A structure representing the direction component that holds the direction of an entity |
Ccmusic_t | A structure representing all musics |
Ccmusicid_t | A structure representing music id from music manager |
Ccnet_id_to_client_id_t | A structure representing the network id corresponding to the client id |
Ccnetwork_id_t | A strucure representing in the ECS the id of a client in the network |
Ccnetwork_queue_t | A structure representing the queue use by the ECS to send the request to the server |
Ccowner_id_t | A structure representing the owner id component representing the id of the owner of an entity |
Ccposition_t | A structure representing the position component that holds the position of an entity |
Ccrect_t | A structure representing the rectangle component that holds the rectangle of an entity |
Ccref_t | A structure representing the ref component that holds the ref of an entity text or button |
Ccrefid_t | A structure representing the ref component that holds the ref of an entity text or button |
Ccscale_t | A structure representing the sclae component that holds the scale of an entity |
Ccsceneid_t | Structure representing the current scene loaded |
Ccscore_t | A structure representing the score component that holds the score of the entity |
Ccserverid_t | Structure representing the server id component in charge of entity identification |
Ccsound_t | A structure representing all sounds |
Ccsoundid_t | A structure representing sound id from sound manager |
Cctext_s | A structure representing the text component to add text and font to an entity |
Cctimer_t | A structure representing the timer component of an entity |
Cctype_t | A structure representing the type component of an entity |
Ccvelocity_t | A structure representing the velocity component that holds the velocity of an entity |
►NError | Error namespace that will contain all Error types |
CErrors | Erorr class to handle throw |
CFileError | FileError class to handle throw, inherited from Errors |
►Nrtype | Rtype namespace |
CGraphicalLib | GraphicalLib class |
CIGraphicalLib | IGraphicalLib class |
►NSystem | Namespace for systems |
CControlSystem | ControlSystem class that handles the control of all the entities |
CDirectionSystem | The Direction System class, it handles all packets related to movement by the clients |
CDisconnectionSystem | The Disconnection System class, it handles disconnection of a client |
CDrawSpriteSystem | DrawSpriteSystem class that handles the drawing of all the sprite entities |
CDrawTextSystem | DrawTextSystem class that handles the drawing of all the sprite entities |
CEndGameSystem | The End Game System class, it handles the end of the game of lobbies |
CGetInfoInLobbySystem | GetInfoInLobbySystem class that handles the dynamic info of the entities |
CGetLobbiesSystem | GetLobbiesSystem class that handles the request to send to Server to get lobbies |
CHitboxSystem | The Hitbox System class, it handles everything related to collisions between entities |
CJoinLobbySystem | The Join Lobby System class, it handles all packets related to lobby join by the clients |
CKillEntityTypeSystem | KillEntityTypeSystem class that handles the killing of entities type |
CKillSystem | KillSystem class that handles the killing of entities |
CMouseSystem | MouseSystem class that handles the mouse |
CMoveSystem | The Move System class, it handles all packets related to movement by the clients |
CNetworkSystem | NetworkSystem class that handles the communication using queues with the server to send it tasks as packets |
CNewClientResponseSystem | NewClientResponseSystem class that handles the creation of a client |
CNewClientSystem | NewClientSystem class that handles the new client |
CNewEntitySystem | NewEntitySystem class that handles the creation of an entity |
CNewLevelSystem | System to handle when a new level is reached |
CParallaxSystem | ParallaxSystem class that handles the parallax effect |
CPositionSystem | PositionSystem class that handles the position of the entities |
CReceiveSystem | System in charge of dispatch in specific queues sended request from queue |
CRectSystem | System that draws a part of all entities |
CSetNbPlayerInLobbySystem | System that set number of player in Lobby |
CShootSystem | The Shoot System class, it handles all packets related to a mouse click by the user, generating a bullet |
CSpawnEnemySystem | The SpawnEnemy System class, it handles all packets related to the spawn of an enemy in the game |
CStartGameSystem | System in charge of handle start of game |
CUpdateEntityInfosSystem | Update entity info system class that handles the update of an entity |
CAMusic | Class containing all elements of an Music |
CASound | Class containing all elements of an Sound |
CAsset | Class containing all elements of an Asset |
CAssetManager | Class to store all Assets |
CClient | The Client class, it defines a client and its interactions with the server |
CEntity | Class that handle entity in a sparse array like an index |
CIUdpCommunication | Interface representing UdpCommunication |
CKeyboard | Keyboard class that handles inputs from computer keyboards |
CMusicManager | Class to store all Musics |
CMyMusic | Music class |
CMySound | MySound class |
CMyTexture | MyTexture class |
Cpacket_create_lobby | A packet to create a lobby |
Cpacket_damage | A packet to handle damage dealt |
Cpacket_direction | A packet to handle the direction that an entity is looking at |
Cpacket_disconnection | A packet to handle disconnection |
Cpacket_end_game | A packet to tell the server that a client want to end the game in a certain lobby |
Cpacket_game | A packet to handle the game current status |
Cpacket_get_lobbies | A packet to get the different lobbys from newtork |
Cpacket_join_lobby | A packet to tell the server you want to join a room |
Cpacket_kill_entity | A packet to handle the killing of an entity |
Cpacket_kill_entity_type | A packet to handle the killing of type of entity |
Cpacket_move | A packet to handle the entity movements |
Cpacket_nb_players_in_lobby | A packet to tell the server you want to join a room |
Cpacket_new_connection | A packet to handle new connections to the game |
Cpacket_new_connection_response | A packet to handle new connection response to the game |
Cpacket_new_entity | A packet to handle a new entity informations |
Cpacket_new_level | A packet to tell the client that a new level has started in a certain lobby |
Cpacket_position | A packet to handle the position of an entity in the game area |
Cpacket_send_lobbies | A packet to send the content of lobbys |
Cpacket_shoot | A packet to handle a bullet shot by an entity |
Cpacket_start_game | A packet to tell the server that a client want to start the game in a certain lobby |
Cpacket_update_entity_health | A packet to update the life of an entity |
Cpacket_update_entity_score | A packet to update the score of an entity |
Cpacket_velocity | A packet to handle the velocity of an entity |
CPosition | 3 dimension Position class (x, y, z) |
CRegistry | Class that handle ECS |
Cserializable_trait | A templated class to serialize and unserialize a packet (as a std::vector of bytes) |
Cserialize_header | Class to serialize and unserialize a packet (as a std::vector of bytes) with an id representing the type of data |
CServer | Server class to handle Server |
CSoundManager | Class to store all Sounds |
CSparse_array | Class that handle Element of type Component like a vector which can be holed |
Cspec_t | A structure representing the specs of an entity from configuration file |
CUdpCommunication | Class that handle Udp Communication |