My Project
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NComponentNamespace for all components
 NcomponentNamespace for all components
 NErrorError namespace that will contain all Error types
 NrtypeRtype namespace
 NSystemNamespace for systems
 CAMusicClass containing all elements of an Music
 CASoundClass containing all elements of an Sound
 CAssetClass containing all elements of an Asset
 CAssetManagerClass to store all Assets
 CClientThe Client class, it defines a client and its interactions with the server
 CEntityClass that handle entity in a sparse array like an index
 CIUdpCommunicationInterface representing UdpCommunication
 CKeyboardKeyboard class that handles inputs from computer keyboards
 CMusicManagerClass to store all Musics
 CMyMusicMusic class
 CMySoundMySound class
 CMyTextureMyTexture class
 Cpacket_create_lobbyA packet to create a lobby
 Cpacket_damageA packet to handle damage dealt
 Cpacket_directionA packet to handle the direction that an entity is looking at
 Cpacket_disconnectionA packet to handle disconnection
 Cpacket_end_gameA packet to tell the server that a client want to end the game in a certain lobby
 Cpacket_gameA packet to handle the game current status
 Cpacket_get_lobbiesA packet to get the different lobbys from newtork
 Cpacket_join_lobbyA packet to tell the server you want to join a room
 Cpacket_kill_entityA packet to handle the killing of an entity
 Cpacket_kill_entity_typeA packet to handle the killing of type of entity
 Cpacket_moveA packet to handle the entity movements
 Cpacket_nb_players_in_lobbyA packet to tell the server you want to join a room
 Cpacket_new_connectionA packet to handle new connections to the game
 Cpacket_new_connection_responseA packet to handle new connection response to the game
 Cpacket_new_entityA packet to handle a new entity informations
 Cpacket_new_levelA packet to tell the client that a new level has started in a certain lobby
 Cpacket_positionA packet to handle the position of an entity in the game area
 Cpacket_send_lobbiesA packet to send the content of lobbys
 Cpacket_shootA packet to handle a bullet shot by an entity
 Cpacket_start_gameA packet to tell the server that a client want to start the game in a certain lobby
 Cpacket_update_entity_healthA packet to update the life of an entity
 Cpacket_update_entity_scoreA packet to update the score of an entity
 Cpacket_velocityA packet to handle the velocity of an entity
 CPosition3 dimension Position class (x, y, z)
 CRegistryClass that handle ECS
 Cserializable_traitA templated class to serialize and unserialize a packet (as a std::vector of bytes)
 Cserialize_headerClass to serialize and unserialize a packet (as a std::vector of bytes) with an id representing the type of data
 CServerServer class to handle Server
 CSoundManagerClass to store all Sounds
 CSparse_arrayClass that handle Element of type Component like a vector which can be holed
 Cspec_tA structure representing the specs of an entity from configuration file
 CUdpCommunicationClass that handle Udp Communication